Monthly Archives: December 2010

25+ Mind Blowing Drawings of Beautiful Celebrities

Drew Barrymore

Nicole Kidman

Jennifer Garner

Megan Fox

Bob Marley

Will Smith

Taylor Swift

Tyra Banks

Kate Beckinsale

Brad Pitt

Meg Ryan


Al Pacino

Robert Pattinson

Liv Tyler

Julia Roberts

Leonardo diCaprio

Morgan Freeman

Tom Cruise

James Hetfield (Metallica)

Cameron Diaz

Charlize Theron

Selena Gomez

Miley Cyrus

Emma Watson

Lady Gaga


About Babar Asif

Babar Asif has wrote 186 articles on this blog.

Babar Asif is a blogger who loves only one thing is beauty can be in any form: websites, digital art, photography, and etc. He enjoys surfing the internet for the most awesome websites & graphic designs to inspire other design enthusiasts.

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(Twisted Sifter)Vertical Panoramic Photography: 15 Breathtaking Examples

When I posted this image of the Notre Dame Cathedral as a ‘Picture of the Day’, I knew I would have to further explore the world of vertical panoramic photography. The effect is achieved by using software to digitally stitch together a series of photos. Outdoor vertical panoramas definitely present additional challenges as lighting can easily change between shots. Off to Flickr I went where thousands of search results appeared. I’ve cherry picked 15 images which I think convey this technique beautifully. Enjoy 15 breathtaking examples of vertical panoramas!

Photograph by iamhydrogen

Two-shot vertical panorama of Trump International Hotel & Tower Chicago by iamhydrogen

Photograph by EricByers

“Taken overlooking shipwreck beach on Zakynthos, one of the Ionian Islands off the coast of Greece. The boat towards the bottom is actually a full size boat, just to give you an idea of the immense size this photo captures.” – Eric Byers

Photograph by hongkiat

Vertical panoramic of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia by hongkiat

Photograph by Mike Madsen

Vertical panoramic of the Quicken Loans Arena aka the ‘Q’ in Cleveland Ohio. Home to Lebron James and the Cleveland Cavaliers. Photo by Mike Madsen

Photograph by MikeJonesPhoto

This is Bridal Veil Falls along the Richardson Highway near Valdez, Alaska. This photo was published as a poster by Galaxy of Graphics a couple of years ago and is available in 2 different size poster prints.

Photograph by Juan Ceballo Rogue

“Created with 3 vertical panoramic photos and retouched in blue luminosity for greater contrast in the sky” – Juan Ceballo Rogue

Photograph by PABLOPER

The Sultan Ahmed Mosque (Turkish: Sultanahmet Camii) is a historical mosque in Istanbul, the largest city in Turkey and the capital of the Ottoman Empire (from 1453 to 1923). The mosque is popularly known as the Blue Mosque for the blue tiles adorning the walls of its interior. It was built between 1609 and 1616, during the rule of Ahmed I. Like many other mosques, it also comprises a tomb of the founder, a madrasah and a hospice. While still used as a mosque, the Sultan Ahmed Mosque has also become a popular tourist attraction. (Wikipedia)

Photograph by Luciano Corrêa “Tijolo”

Photograph by Hendricks NY

The Empire State Building as seen from the NW corner of 34th and 5th Ave, New York City, New York. Photo by Hendricks NY

Photograph by bolandrotor

Nine total photographs stitched together using PTGui by bolandrotor

Photograph by Phil Wels

Five photographs stitched together by Phil Wels

Photograph by slazza

The Rockefeller Center in New York City by slazza

Photograph by Marching Fishes

Photograph by sleepychinchilla

Vertical panoramic of New York City from the top of the Rockefeller Center by sleepychinchilla

Photograph by manyfires

Multnomah Falls is a waterfall on the Oregon side of the Columbia River Gorge, located east of Troutdale, between Corbett and Dodson, along the Historic Columbia River Highway. The falls drops in two major steps, split into an upper falls of 542 feet (165 m) and a lower falls of 69 feet (21 m), with a gradual 9 foot (3 m) drop in elevation between the two, so the total height of the waterfall is conventionally given as 620 feet (189 m). Multnomah Falls is the tallest waterfall in the State of Oregon. (Wikipedia)
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stunning planet photography

îlet Pinel (3)

Planet (Stereographic Projections) Photography is simply crazy and fun! The technique is not only all about skilful digital manipulations, there are a few really good programs that can help you out there, but the raw photography side is very technical. The use of wide angle lenses help to overcome the need for multiple photographs to get the entire scene, but then there is the mapping of your photographs to ensure that you capture all of the surroundings and not to later find a gap in your equirectangular panorama. However, you can avoid the stitching altogether by making do with a single photo and stretch it around in a circle!

Paris s'éveille

Parc départemental du Val-de-Marne

Octopussy planet

Parc de Passy

Notre-Dame de Paris

La Géode

Arc de Triomphe (5)

Butte aux canons

Eiffel planet


Le kiosque des Noctambules

Bigger landing...

Space gate in some place

Place de la république, Lille

Facing Chinagora


The human chessboard

Green Eiffel (400th Wee Planet)


Montmartre s'éveille


Missing the Light of Day (279/365)


Palm tree

Avenue Cousin de Méricourt

Statue of liberty

Sacré coeur

Saint-Étienne du Mont

Place de l'Institut

Musée du Louvre

Salt Pan Stereographic Panorama

Collignon... tête à gnons !

Bike lane

Eiffel Ball

Château d'Auvers

Église Notre Dame de Bordeaux

Kun Iam Statue

Planet LSK

Sunrise Metropolis

Île de la Cité

Arakawa river around the Iwabuchi sluice

Planet H

the calton torus

Goatfell Summit - Spherical Panorama

Beaches: Sphinx Rock Ocean Beach Sorrento Vic Stereographic


Planet New York

Planet Anderson Dock

Beati illi qui in circulum circumeunt,

Steppingstones planet


Maze ball

"Acros Hakata"


(thedphoto) Creative photography ideas for this winter


Creative photography ideas for this winter

Posted by Diana Eftaiha on Dec 18, 2010

logoCreative photography ideas for this winterAs the winter season is upon us, some might feel a little discouraged to go out and shoot. And well, you can’t blame them. Who would wanna leave the comfort and warmness of their home to walk around the block looking for something to shoot. But if you think about it, winter is actually the perfect time to shoot. For starters, the light is soft and diffused almost all day long, especially on overcast days. This means you are not necessity bound by no golden hour. Of course I’m not saying the golden hour has no significance in this time of year, by all means it is and always will be the best time of day to capture photos. I’m just saying that during the day, light is not as harsh as on a sunny summer day, so you might wanna give that a shot. Second, overcast days actually accentuate color. The softer diffused light from the clouds helps to richen colors, bring out contrast, and create great exposures. So today I’ve put together a few creative photography ideas to keep you going, and provide some source of inspiration during the winter:

  1. Naturally monochromatic scenes: on an overcast day, everything might seem dull. But look for stark contrasting objects with deep color and shoot against all that dullness. It would be the best way to accentuate your subject and give it the spot light. You can do wonders, and no golden hour and no summer day can provide you with such an opportunity.Photo by Ville Miettinen
    Creative photography ideas

    Photo by EJP Photo

    Creative photography ideas

    Photo by Miguel Angel

    Creative photography ideas

    Photo by marie zucker

    Creative photography ideas

    Photo by Simo Järvinen

    Creative photography ideas
  2. The silence before the storm: an overcast day that is definitely going to rain presents you with absolutely creative, unique, and spellbinding results. Stormy colorful threatening skies can add so much more mood and drama to a photographs.Photo by Ryan Heaney
    Creative photography ideas

    Photo by Garry –

    Creative photography ideas

    Photo by Bartek Kuzia

    Creative photography ideas

    Photo by paul dex

    Creative photography ideas

    Photo by vgm8383

    Creative photography ideas
  3. Sip wine and dance in the rain: aaaah how I’d love to do just that right now! Embrace the rain. Don’t run & hide. Go out and love it, and it’ll give you everything you could ever ask for. Colorful umbrellas. Gorgeous reflections. Shivering souls. Humanity at its purist, most sincere reality summoning you. Answer the call!Photo by EJP Photo
    Creative photography ideas

    Photo by Doug Wheller

    Creative photography ideas

    Photo by Sarah Madeleine Louise Horrigan

    Creative photography ideas

    Photo by hector garcia

    Creative photography ideas

    Photo by Jean Goff

    Creative photography ideas

    Photo by Gregory Bastien

    Creative photography ideas

    Photo by Sarah Madeleine Louise Horrigan

    Creative photography ideas

    Photo by Eric Hart

    Creative photography ideas

    Photo by john curley

    Creative photography ideas
  4. Veils of snow: snow covering vast land and cityscapes can be such a beautiful thing to capture, and the results would definitely be different from your normal everyday city life shots. Everything looks different than it normally would. Look out for areas completely covered in white, as well as car track lines (parallel and intersecting), foot prints, tiny dog foot prints, half-melted snow scapes, snow skiers … Snow can open a whole new horizon for you to photograph.If you’re worried your photos of snow always appear grey or dull, here’s the answer; snow is bright white, so it tends to fool your camera’s light meter into thinking a scene is brighter than it actually is. In return, your camera would want to close down in an attempt to average things out causing your light meter to give the an incorrect reading, so you end up under-exposed photos.

    The truth of the matter is, snow and everything very bright and close to white (such as fog, clouds …etc) is zone 7 (according to Ansel Adams’ zone system standardization). Zone 7 is +2 brighter than average grey. This means that, in order to capture the true color of snow, you need to take your meter reading off of an area that is completely covered in snow only and place it in such a way that your meter reading reads at exactly +2 (without the indicator blinking to suggest possible clipping). Put in simple terms, have your scene register as +2 stops over exposed. This way you can capture true color, white snow.

    Photo by santo rizzuto

    Creative photography ideas

    Photo by Christian Meichtry

    Creative photography ideas

    Photo by jenny downing

    Creative photography ideas

    Photo by Trey Ratcliff

    Creative photography ideas

    Photo by André Mellagi

    Creative photography ideas

    Photo by Juan Carlos Labarca

    Creative photography ideas

    Photo by Andreas Wonisch

    Creative photography ideas
  5. Pictures in fog: I’ve already dedicated a post for taking pictures in fog, which you can check outhere. Photographing in thick atmosphere such as fog and mist can yield very compelling, moody, and dramatic results. Fog is usually present in the evening through early morning. Taking pictures in fog emphasizes subjects’ shape and form as well as adds depth to your scene. The closest subjects to the cam appear the most saturated and bold, but as objects move further away from the lens things start to get a bit hazy and colors desaturated. So make sure you use that to your creative advantage.Photo by Xabier Artola-Zubillaga
    Creative photography ideas

    Photo by Marc Dezemery

    Creative photography ideas

    Photo by Martin Gommel

    Creative photography ideas

    Photo by Evan Leeson

    Creative photography ideas

    Photo by Cindy Seigle

    Creative photography ideas

    Photo by midlander1231

    Creative photography ideas
  6. Minimalist photography: when you feel you don’t have any inspiration, or when it seems like there’s not much more to shoot. Think minimalist. Often times it’s what you choose to exclude from your composition, rather than what you choose to include, is what makes the shot! Utilizing empty spaces in your photographs and giving your subject room to breath and shine, can well accentuate and add to its value rather than detract from it. This way, the viewer can’t help but be drawn to your focal point.Try to represent your subject in a contrasting color from the overall image. Try to strip everything, but the point of interest, of all color. Experiment with different aperture settings (once going with a shallow depth of field and once with a great one). Try zooming in and out on your subject to get a variety of angles, views, and results. You can read more about minimalist photography here.

    Photo by Eric Hart

    Creative photography ideas

    Photo by Luis Argerich

    Creative photography ideas

    Photo by Garry –

    Creative photography ideas

    Photo by Garry –

    Creative photography ideas

    Photo by s k o o v

    Creative photography ideas

    Photo by Toni Verdú Carbó

    Creative photography ideas

Do you have some more creative photography ideas of your own for this winter? Share them with us in the comments below…

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19. FEB, 2010 4 COMMENTS

Photoshop is a powerful image editing software which is very useful for web designers and photographers to create desired effects in the images. But sometimes it’s difficult to perform certain tasks manually in photoshop. Once there was a belief that only designers who have mastered photoshop can create special effects on photographs or images. But now with the help of Photoshop Plug-in anyone can create desired effects on their images.

Photoshop Plugins are actually add-ons to the main program which helps to attain additional image effects or performing tasks that are impossible or hard to fulfill using Adobe Photoshop alone. And they make the complicated task much easier and help users in creating amazing effects, designing faster & better.


In this post , I would like to share more than 200 photoshop plugins which are available for free. Hope it will help all photoshop newbies to create their desired image effects with much ease.


Water Ripples is a freeware Adobe Photoshop compatible plug-in filter. The highly realistic water ripples effect designer has numerous options as well as an impressive 3D quality. The random settings generator produces unlimited variations of rippled surfaces.
Water Ripples creator - photoshop plugin


Jama 3D is a freeware Adobe Photoshop compatible plug-in filter. It’s the simplest way to create corrugated and cellular like patterns from 2D images. You can easily make various bricks and herring bone textures. Sequenced filtering produces bizarre unreal deformations of the original picture, crumpled paper effect, etc. Using different 2D shapes on a transparent layer produces complicated 3D border effects. The edge antialiasing option improves the dithering. The filter is extremely compact and accessible.
Jama 3D photoshop plugin


Lattice Composer is a freeware Adobe Photoshop compatible plug-in filter. It effectively designs grids and nettings. It produces a variety of weave patterns, fabric textures, body art tattoos and skeleton simulations.
Lattice Composer - Photoshop Plugin


This plugin helps to control the light exposure and lets designers to create stunning effects with their images.
Luce Photoshop plugin


Screenworks is a free Photoshop-compatible plug-in with 30 options for creating screen/mesh patterns. It provides you with a quick way to add small detailed and repetitive texture overlay effects to areas of your image in one easy step. The single slider setting gives you the option to add the chosen pattern on top of your image, or make the layer background white.
ScreenWorks - Simple Pattern Generation photoshop plugin


AlphaWorks is a free Photoshop-compatible plug-in filter which is very useful for removing black or white values and making the region transparent. There are 6 different options for you to choose from, depending on the type of image you are working on (colour photo, mono photo, lineart).
Transparency Effects photoshop plugin


Free Photoshop-compatible plug-in with 20 effects for modifying image colour values in different ways. You can use them for subtle correction of your digital photos or experiment with the more dramatic transformations that are available.
Colour Works - color modification photoshop plug-in


This is accomplished by increasing the contrast between a pixel’s value and the mean value of the adjacent pixels in a local area of the photo.You can control the amount of the increase of contrast, the size of the local area and the amount of blending with the original photo.
Local Contrast Enhancement - Photoshop Plugin


Smart Refinement Filter is an Adobe Photoshop plug-in for photographic images enhancement. This plug-in allows: sharpness and depth-of-field (DOF) enhancement, and noise (dust) reduction.

Smart Refinment Filter plug-in for Adobe Photoshop


SuperPNG is a free Adobe Photoshop plug-in for using PNG (“ping”) files. It is faster than Adobe’s own PNG plug-in and saves considerably smaller PNGs. PNG is an open source file format that supports tight lossless compression. It can be read on any platform by most graphics applications and is fully supported by all modern web browsers.
SuperPNG photoshop plugin


This plugin sharpens photos with the classic high pass method. The user can adjust the high pass filter radius, and control the blending with the original image. A high pass output preview is also available to help the user adjust the filter radius up to the point the edges to be sharpened show up.

High Pass Sharpening Free Photoshop Plug-in


This is a powerful plugin which is very useful to Black and White conversion.It takes total control over the tonal response of Red, Yellow, Green, Cyan, Blue and Magenta, and the intermediate hues. The user can boost each color’s tonal response all the way up to white or limit it down to black, without affecting the other colors at all . The plugin offers presets that accurately simulate the tonal response of the most popular b/w films. The plugin can introduce a grain effect of controllable intensity and density.
Photoshop black-white conversion plugin


It’s a free photoshop plug-in with 20 effects for creating dramatic edge and colour modifications. They are best used when experimenting with intense photo transformations for a highly stylized look. They are also handy when creating interesting texture effects.
EdgeWorks – Cool Artistic Styles photoshop plug-in


A single Photoshop-compatible plug-in with 15 effects for switching the colour values in your images. Useful for experimenting with interesting combinations and creating surreal results.
SwapShop – Colour Exchange


A single Photoshop-compatible plug-in with 20 effects for “blasting” intense colour into your images. Ideal for when you need to add dramatic impact to your photos or work.
Maximum Colour Toning Adobe Plugin


The plugin Fur 2, disperse a simple figure (line or circle, configurable dimensions/thickness) over the whole image. Solid: The figure is filled with a single color (determinated by the figure’s center).180 deg: Image source content is kept; but rotation of 180 degrees around the figure’s center is performed.
Fur 2 - free photoshop plugin


This plugin is used for creating a selection of simple grain and mezzo styles. Give your photos a new look with these various effects.
Artistic Grain and mezzo style generator


Quite often some parts of a photo require a saturation adjustment while others do not. If we increase the saturation globally, the most saturated parts get over saturated and if we decrease it, the less saturated parts get under saturated. So this Free photoshop plugin will definetly help designers to create saturation effect only in specific areas.
Selective Saturation Free Photoshop Plug-in


This plugins applies a soft focus effect, which is often usefull in portraits or fashion photography. There are controls to adjust the focus softness, the overall strength of the effect and the blending mode of the overlayed blured image.
Soft Focus - Free Photoshop Plug-in


This plugin uses a contrast mask to reduce the overall contrast of the image, simultaneously bringing out more detail in both highlights and shadows.A b/w negative of the image is blured (with a radius controlled by the “Smoothing” slider) to avoid hard edges and then overlayed with the original, darkening the highlights and lightening the shadows.
Contrast Mask - Free Photoshop Plugin


This plugin apllies a gradient blur that can help us draw the viewes attention to the photograph’s main subject.There are sliders to control the position where the blur starts and it’s strength.
Gradient Blur- Free Photoshop Plugin


Xpose is an exposure adjustment plugin. It was written to offer quick adjustment of highlights and shadows with a rapid preview feedback and a simple, intuitive interface. With just a few sliders you can attain better exposure of your digital photos
Xpose - Photoshop plugin to adjust exposure


Graphest DepthDither is a free filter plug-in for Photoshop, it mainly concerns on generating color dither in Photoshop. When you wants to use the image on LCD screen, such as mobile phone, the color depth is not 24 bit, and mostly it’s 16 bit. If the image fills with gradient colors, the screen will display color steps, not continuous color.If you use the DepthDither to process the image, the result on PC and on mobile phone will be the same. DepthDither uses 3 ways to make the image seems to be continuous when the color is below 24 bit. It’s just like Photoshop, provides diffusion, pattern and noise as the dither modes.
DepthDither provides color dither for Photoshop


This plugin corrects barrel and pincushion distortions that many zoom camera lenses.produce.Just move the sliders to the left to correct barrel distortion, and to the right to correct pincushion .
Lens Correction - Free Photoshop Plug-in


Save hours of time by instantly applying photographic effects to
digital images with just one click. It has more than 200 onclick preset effects. Easily applies layered effects with “Blend” mode
Virtual Photographer - Photoshop Plugin


This filter allows you to open a mask, texture, grunge, or paint layer and blend it with your image in any of 30 blend modes. You can even use it to simulate layers by blending it with the original or a modified version of the image you are editing. It’s quick and easy!
AAA BLENDER Photoshop plugin


This filter offers some Gaussian blur filter options. Color Blur will blur the colors without changing luminosity (lightness) values. You may also invert and blur the colors without inverting the luminosity.
AAA Gaussian Blur - Photoshop Plugin


A set of seven photorealistic metal textures and effects. Metallizing effects, alien-looking or industrial metallic surfaces, rust or aluminum foil, and more – all filters are fully adjustable and support seamless tiling.
Filter Forge Freepack 1 – Metals photoshop plugin


A set of seven photo enhancing effects. Give your photos a sunny style, apply grunge look or color tints, age the image, and more – all filters are fully adjustable and resolution-independent.
Photo Effects Photoshop Plugin


A set of seven filters that create frames for your photos. Apply a realistic painted wooden frame or a vignette, give your photos a classic elegant feel or a ragged harsh look, and more.
Frame Maker - Free photoshop Plugin


A set of seven filters that can reshape, distort and deform the source image in various creative ways. The filters can break the image into abstract fragments, generate bubbly effects, apply waves or ripples, and more.
Distortions - photoshop plug-in


Use the Camouflage plug-in to make army, fashion and animal camo. You can even make patterns not found anywhere else.You can control up to eight color layers. We’ve included a big set of examples, which you can select from within the plug-in. Amongst them are real army colors, both old and new. Many common fashion colors are also included as well as a few animal colors.
Camouflage photoshop plugin


The NightVision plug-in can make any image like the ones from night vision goggles. By using the effects in this plug-in, you can make images look like they are from a black & white security camera or CCTV system. It’s also possible to make them look like infra-red photos. Or you can just use the interlace to make an image look like a TV picture. You can even use it to enhance real night images!
Night-Vision photoshop Plugin


With the Snowflakesâ„¢ plug-in, you can make it snow any time of the year, any place you want.You can control all aspects of a snow; both the minimal and maximal size of the snowflakes, whether it’ll be soft snowflakes or hail, the amount of snowflakes falling down and even the color of the snowflakes.
Snowflakes photoshop plugin


With the SnowScapeâ„¢ plug-in you can add layers of snow to images simply by letting the snow fall down. You decide which areas the snow should fall down on by making the rest of the image transparent, you then start the plug-in, configure how much and where the snow should fall, and SnowScape does the rest.You can also use SnowScape to do similar effects; make the snow less sticky, and you can create hills of sand. Apply it up-side down with high stickiness, and the ooze will be dripping down from your image.
Snowscape - cover any landscape with snow


With the Harmonix Photoshop plug-in, you can mix harmonic frequencies into complex waves. Harmonix renders a single, horizontal line on the image, but this is no ordinary line. It is the result of superimposing up to ten separate harmonic frequencies, scaled to the screen. You can change the up to ten harmonic frequencies in both amplitude (volume/height) and phase (offset/shift) and have precise control over the base frequency.
Harmonix - Make waves! photoshop plugin


UnPlugged X is a collection of over 100 different filter effects wrapped into a single plug-in. Combining all those effects into a single plug-in allows you to use them in ways not possible with separate effects. With UnPlugged-X, the whole is larger than the sum of the parts.
UnPlugged-X - Over 100 effects in one plug-in - photoshop plugin


Filters are an essential part of your photographic equipment. They help you to correct or embellish the colors of a scene, put people or objects in the center of attention, bring out the beautiful contrast in a stormy sky or make that wedding picture extra romantic. In short; no photographer either professional or amateur can do without lens filters.
FilterOptix - free photoshop plugin


Outliner is a Photoshop-compatible plug-in for Windows designed by ImageSkill Software that can work as with commercial software like Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Photoshop Elements, Corel (Jasc) Paint Shop Pro, Microsoft Digital Image Suite as free like software IrfanView, XnView.

ImageSkill Outliner photoshop plugin


With this free photoshop plugin you can easily remove the background images from your photos.Background Remover is a Photoshop-compatible plug-in for Windows designed by ImageSkill Software that can work with Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Photoshop Elements, Corel Paint Shop Pro, Macromedia Fireworks etc. The main purpose of the Background Remover is to extract some part of an image i.e. ‘the object’ and remove part that which is unwanted.
Background Remover - Photoshop Plugin


Dreamy Photo gives images a soft romantic feel. This is a superb effect for enhancing stock photography, digital camera photos and any image you want to add a warm feel to. After you have downloaded the software, enter in your e-mail address in the download page to receive serial number to activate the plugin.
Auto FX - Dreamy Photo Photoshop Plug-in


Mosaic makes your photos look as if they were created out of a mosaic tile. Photo-realistic depth and variable tile size and color options give this effect an infinite number of looks.
Turn your images into Mosaic photoshop plug-in


The Digital Artshop’s Iridescent filter will apply a pearl like effect to your image. The effect is fully controlable with sliders for the amount of reflections, colour strength, smoothing and a detail enhancer.
Iridescent photoshop plug-in


Stereogram Lab Filter allows to generate Hidden Image Stereograms right in your Photoshop, which is quite convenient. This filter is free and you can use it both for commercial and non-commercial purposes, however, distributing the filter itself is not allowed.
Stereogram Lab Filter photoshop plug-in


Mosaic Toolkit applies mosaic effects to photos and other images. It provides several mosaic styles, e.g. Squares, Rings, Balls, Gears, Square Rings, Stars, Daisy and All Styles. You can vary cell size and contrast, color tweak cells, ball glow and brightness and blend the effect with the original photo. There are gradient, radial gradient, color inversion and a row shift brickwork effects.

Mosaic Toolkit & Illumination Fix Toolkit


Kaleidoscope 2.1 is a plugin which proceeds to multiple symmetries to obtain beautiful patterns.
Kaleidoscope photoshop plugin


Sorting Tiles imitates vaguely painting. Fundamentally, the filter cuts image in several blocks, makes a sorting of colours, and redistributes these ones following more or less complicated patterns.
Sorting Tiles photoshop plugin


Chalkaholic renders chalk and charcoal type effects with artistic panache and flair. Providing uniquely effective artistic rendering options, Chalkaholic is the essential addition to any digital artist’s effects collection.
Chalkaholic photoshop plugin


Weaver is an effect which imitates weave.
Weaver photoshop plugin


JuliJulia ’s curves are a family of mathematical curves (fractals) renowned for their beauties. This plugin is extremely simple : to track down an interesting curve, use the Julia control or press the Random button (that’s all !). Besides, it allows endless zooming, to customize colours, and to save settings.a ’s curves photoshop plug-in
JuliJulia 's curves photoshop plugin


This handy tool easily creates various types of 3D shadows from objects such as letters, numbers, shapes and so on. All settings are present in a single window – transparency level, perspective, shadow color and position, X/Y/Z angles, and some others. Even the seasoned designers are surprised by the simplicity of the plug-in and excellent results it generates. The text, processed with this tool immediately grabs the attention of the viewers.
3D Shadow :  Adobe Photoshop plug-in


With sinedots plugin you can create sine wave patterns in your design works.

Sinedots photoshop plugin


This is a conversion of the AfterFx Shear Effect to my new Photoshop framework. A new feature is that a possible (feathered) Selection is now used to alter the strength Parameter locally. This results in some interesting distortions. Compatibility issues are the same as for SinedotsII.
Shear photoshop plugin


It generates dot grids which can be based on selections. It’s will help beginners to create colorful dot patterns easily with one click.

Retro Dots - free photoshop plugin


With 3 modes: normal, camouflage & gradient, this plug-in is very ideal to create textures using blots.
Blots free photoshop plugin


Color MegaMix modifies the colors of any image. It is based on two rows of colors: 8 source colors and 8 target colors. According to these data, the plugin reconstructs completely the color space.
Color MegaMix free photoshop plug-in


Eraser Genuine modifies image transparency according to two criteria: a colour you wish to erase and a colour you wish to protect. So, this plugin is particulary suitable for images where two colours oppose clearly.
Eraser Genuine - erase certain parts of images


Unlike the traditional threshold command of Photoshop, the plugin Fine Threshold allows to get quickly, anti-aliased and sharp shapes.
Fine Threshold free photoshop plugins


Flat Median is a median-like effect which have some advantages over the “regular” median filter.
Flat Median photoshop plugin


Icon Plugin for Photoshop enhances Adobe Photoshop with an ability to export and import Windows icons (.ico). Thanks to this ability, users can create compelling icons directly in Adobe Photoshop, using its large arsenal of creative tools and a convenient and familiar design environment.
Icon Plugin for Photoshop


PhotoFreebies is a collection of free plugins for performing useful photo manipulations and effects e.g. sepia effects, saturation gradients, b/w conversion, color space transformations and many more. Some of them have a dialog with adjustable controls whereas others are applied instantly without displaying a dialog.

  • B/W
  • Sepia
  • Luma Negative
  • Chroma Negative
  • Desaturation Gradient
  • Histo Fix
  • Remove Transparency

Photo Freebies - 10 best photoshop plugins collection


This plug-in provides 4 noise reduction algorithms, including low-pass, bilateral, adaptive bilateral and low frequency. These methods, used separately or in combination, provide an excellent tool for the serious photographer who runs up against electronic noise.
DeNoise – Noise Reduction


This plugin can be useful in bringing out hidden detail in the picture or isolating individual channels. In additon there are the more usual controls for Contrast, Brightness and a Depth (pseudo gamma) control.
Greyscaler photoshop plugin


xMeta is a simple set of three plug-ins for exporting metadata from Photoshop in raw binary form. ICC Profiles are of particular interest, as they can be added to the ColorSync profiles folder or opened by applications such as Ãœbercolor.
xMeta photoshop plugin


This plugin allows to deform image, by waves. Size, intensity, and aspect ratio of waves are customizable.
Melt photoshop plugin


The plugin Projection provides a collection of interactive perspective effects: ability to tile image in infinite space (copy or mirror mode), or to repeat edges.

Projection photoshop plugin


Posterizer is a plugin which offers the possibility to posterize the luminosity and the hue.
Posterizer photoshop plugin


Autointerlace is a nifty little plugin which automatically creates interlaced effects on an image. Interlacing (sometimes known as scanline graphics) is an effect similar to what you see on a television screen, and is used in modern print media design and graphics to give a “techno” style.


j2k is a free Photoshop and After Effects plug-in set for reading and writing the JPEG 2000 file format, the successor to JPEG.Also known as JP2, JPEG 2000 uses wavelet compression as opposed to the DCT compression used in standard JPEG. The end result is better image quality in a smaller file. JP2 also includes mandatory metadata such as information about an image’s color space.
j2k - the future of image compression


This is a collection of 20 free photoshop plugins developed by Flaming pears. It includes :

  • SuperBladePro
  • Melancholytron
  • Flood
  • Flexify 2
  • Designer Sextet
  • Mr. Contrast
  • Polymerge
  • LunarCell
  • India Ink
  • Hue and Cry
  • Glitterato
  • SolarCell
  • Photography Pack
  • Patterns
  • Free Plugins


Free photoshop plugins developed by Richard Rosenman.

  • 3D Sphere Generator
  • 3D Sphere Generator
  • Channel Modifier
  • Color Bar Generator
  • Diffuse
  • Evaluate
  • Grain Generator
  • Grid Generator
  • Lens Distortion Corrector


These are all freeware, and were built using Filtermeister, with Paint Shop Pro 8.10 as the host program – they should work without problems with any Windows graphics program that supports the Adobe Photoshop plugin architecture.

  • Abstractor
  • Alien Mist
  • Artgrain
  • Artifax
  • Artworx
  • Bad Dream
  • Caravaggio
  • Clarity
  • Cubism
  • Duochrome
  • Emphasis
  • Fritillary
  • Fuzzifier
  • Greyscaler
  • Greytinter
  • Illustrator
  • Improver
  • Iridium
  • LineArt
  • Lithograph
  • Make-a-Flake
  • Mistifier
  • MoodLight
  • Moonlight

Hope This collection of free photoshop plugins will definitely help all beginners out there to create their desired effects in images easily. If you have came across any plugin collections then do let me know. I will add that link to this list with a link to your blog.


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  4. 10 useful Greasemonkey scripts for Flickr power users10 useful Greasemonkey scripts for Flickr power users
  5. 35+ Breathtaking Digital Abstract Wallpapers35+ Breathtaking Digital Abstract Wallpapers
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  7. 45+ Surreal Infrared photography Inspirations and Tips45+ Surreal Infrared photography Inspirations and Tips
  8. 85+ BreathTaking Tilt-Shift Photography and Resources85+ BreathTaking Tilt-Shift Photography and Resources
  9. 20+ incredible Gigapixel Photography Inspirations20+ incredible Gigapixel Photography Inspirations

(Phototuts+) 40 Inspiring Panoramic Photographs

40 Inspiring Panoramic Photographs

Peter Sawyer on Nov 17th 2009 with

Shooting panoramic images can be an impressive type of photography and, when done well, it’s possible to create really stunning images. Today we’ll be explaining the basic concept of panoramic photography, as well as providing an amazing collection of 40 horizontal and vertical panoramas, ranging from landscapes to living rooms!

What Is a Panoramic Photo?

A panoramic photo is simply any image which has two or more shots stitched together to make it appear as one large photograph. Creating a panorama is very useful if you don’t own super wide lenses, as often you can achieve a similar effect.

Panoramic images don’t just have to be horizontal, you can also merge images vertically. Many try to capture a full 360° angle of their surroundings, and some examples of these are shown in the pictures below.

How To Shoot a Panoramic Image

There is a great guide on how to create a panoramic image over at PSDtuts+, and we also have our ownvideo tutorial on the topic.

I spent a whole summer shooting panoramic images, and here are my top five tips for those just getting started:

  1. Don’t use a flash -The flash changes every picture and leads to problems when merging the images later.
  2. Try shooting in portrait – When shooting a landscape panorama, shooting in portrait gives greater height to the resulting image.
  3. Upgrade your RAM – Stitching images together is an intensive process, and ensuring you have a fast computer with plenty of memory is important.
  4. Use a wide angle lens – This way, it requires fewer pictures to do a full 360° panorama
  5. Use a tripod – Unless you have a very steady hand, and a good eye for the horizon, a tripod makes the process far easier.
panoramic photography inspiration examples

What is a Quicktime VR?

A quick time VR uses panoramic images to create a virtual “sphere” for the user to move around. It’s a way to interact with a panorama in real-time, allowing you to revolve around the images, zoom in, and experience the location.

These are commonly used for product or location demonstrations, and you can find a good example over at the Quicktime site. It’s a technique to consider experimenting with when you have a completed panoramic image!

40 Inspiring Examples

Here are a selection of really amazing panoramic photos. Click the image for a full, un-cropped original view!

panoramic photography inspiration examples
panoramic photography inspiration examples
panoramic photography inspiration examples

Click above for the Virtual Reality Panoramic

panoramic photography inspiration examples
panoramic photography inspiration examples
panoramic photography inspiration examples
panoramic photography inspiration examples
panoramic photography inspiration examples
panoramic photography inspiration examples
panoramic photography inspiration examples
panoramic photography inspiration examples
panoramic photography inspiration examples
panoramic photography inspiration examples
panoramic photography inspiration examples
panoramic photography inspiration examples
panoramic photography inspiration examples
panoramic photography inspiration examples
panoramic photography inspiration examples
panoramic photography inspiration examples
panoramic photography inspiration examples
panoramic photography inspiration examples
panoramic photography inspiration examples
panoramic photography inspiration examples
panoramic photography inspiration examples
panoramic photography inspiration examples
panoramic photography inspiration examples
panoramic photography inspiration examples
panoramic photography inspiration examples
panoramic photography inspiration examples
panoramic photography inspiration examples
panoramic photography inspiration examples
panoramic photography inspiration examples
panoramic photography inspiration examples
panoramic photography inspiration examples
panoramic photography inspiration examples
panoramic photography inspiration examples
panoramic photography inspiration examples
panoramic photography inspiration examples
panoramic photography inspiration examples

Share Your Examples

Do you have a particularly awesome photograph you’d like to share? Please feel free to leave a link in the comments. I’d love to see a few examples of images from our readers!

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By Peter Sawyer

Rollover to read this author’s bio or click through to see a full list of posts by this author.

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(webdesigncore )10 Astonishing Examples of Origami Artworks

10 Astonishing Examples of Origami Artworks

Posted by WDCore Editorial
September 26, 2009

Origami is the ancient Japanese art of paper folding, A folk art, a very creative and amazing art, Origami have become very popular nowadays because it is very interesting and striking for everyone.
Here we have gathered 10 most selected and interesting Origmai Artworks for you. Feel free to give your comments on his artworks.


Face Origami Art



Paper Origami Lamp


Swordsman by Hoang Trung Thanh



Origami Art

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(webdesigncore) 25 Sets Free Floral and Flower Textures

25 Sets Free Floral and Flower Textures

Posted by WDCore Editorial
December 13, 2010

Good textures are more effective to create unique effects and to enhance designing works. If you love flowers then we have a unique collection of this sort of textures.
Yes in this post we are having a stylish collection of floral and flower textures to boost your curiosity for colors. Move toward and have them with no trouble.

Floral textures pack 01

7 Floral Fabric Textures

10 floral textures

Floral Textures

Texture Set 036

Textures White-Floral Pack

Textures 11: Floral

Floral Carpet Texture

Textures02 – Vintage Floral

Soft Florals Icon Textures

Floral Textures 01

Floral textures:100×100

Flower Textures

Flower Texture

1 text brush set and 2 flower texture sets

Texture Set 057

Texture Set 018

Texture Set 041

flower renders01


Texture Set 037

Texture Set 033


Texture: Repeating Sakura

Texture Set 3

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Foxy Photography from PauloGabriel's blog

December 17, 2010 from PauloGabriel’s blog

Foxy Photography

Foxes are definitely one the cutest animals out there and for sure one of the few that really look good in photographies. It’s just impressive how cool these little foxy creatures are, in all their varieties. I want one.

There’s the Arctic Fox, the Red Fox, the Fennec Fox, and I’m pretty sure are a thousand other kinds that I don’t know. I’ve chosen some really nice pictures of them, which I know will just melt your cold beings (just kidding). Fore more of these guys, you should really check out each photographer’s portfolio. I hope you enjoy these. Cheers! 😉

Chuck Powers

Foxy Photography


Foxy Photography

David Lloyd

Foxy Photography

Ron&Mamie Charest

Foxy Photography

Keven Law

Foxy Photography

Roeselien Raimond

Foxy Photography


Foxy Photography


Foxy Photography

Bud Marschner

Foxy Photography

Vladimir Naumoff

Foxy Photography

Ron&Mamie Charest

Foxy Photography


Foxy Photography

Keven Law

Foxy Photography


Foxy Photography


Foxy Photography

Roeselien Raimond

Foxy Photography

James Scott

Foxy Photography


Foxy Photography

About the author

Hello, everyone! I’m Paulo Gabriel, a 26 year old designer from Porto Alegre, Brazil. I have worked as a webdesigner since 2006, but websites and blogs have been a hobby for me since 1999. Here in Abduzeedo, I try to bring only the hot stuff for you… and hope that all of you enjoy my posts! For more cool stuff, you may also follow me on Twitter.


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lifehacker -Most Popular Photography Tips, Tricks, and Hacks of 2010

Most Popular Photography Tips, Tricks, and Hacks of 2010

Most Popular Photography Tips, Tricks, and Hacks of 2010Whether it’s before, during, or after you shoot, we’ve posted some awesome photography tips, tricks, and hacks this year. Here are the most popular for 2010.

Photo remixed from an original by Matt Katzenberger

Take a People-Free Photo in a Crowded Place

Most Popular Photography Tips, Tricks, and Hacks of 2010
People are for portraits. When you want a good landscape they’re just a nuisance. This clever trick shows you how to take a bunch of location photos, a tripod, and a copy of Photoshop to get rid of all those pesky people.

Use a Dab of Vaseline to Take Vintage-Style Photos

Most Popular Photography Tips, Tricks, and Hacks of 2010
Vaseline isn’t just good for moisturizing your dry elbows and making your teeth glisten for your upcoming beauty pageant—it also gives your photos a great vintage feel.

Top 10 Photo Fixing and Image Editing Tricks

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When your photos fail you—as they often do when you’re rushing to capture the world—and that’s where your computer comes to the rescue. Our Top 10 Photo Fixing and Image Editing Tricks has a wealth of subtle and elegant touch-ups to fix your crappy photos or make your nicer ones look a whole lot better.

Make Images 3D sans Goofy Glasses

Most Popular Photography Tips, Tricks, and Hacks of 2010
You don’t need a 3D camera to take 3D pictures. This simple optical trick can let you create an effect that brings your photos into the third dimension.

How to Get the Best Color Out of Your Photos

Most Popular Photography Tips, Tricks, and Hacks of 2010
Black and white is so 1906. We’ve had color photography for awhile, but it’s a waste if you can’t make use of those colors effectively. This tutorial gives you an introduction to color theory, how to put it into practice with your photos, and some quick color tricks you can easily employ in Photoshop (or your favorite image editor).

Use an 18% Gray Card for Better Color Balance in Your Photos

Most Popular Photography Tips, Tricks, and Hacks of 2010
Your camera’s white balancing system is far from perfect, but you can give it a helping hand by using an 18% gray card. Even if it’s the crappiest possible gray card you can make, it’s surprisingly helpful in achieving accurate color balance. Here’s how to make one and why it works.

How to Take Better Pictures with Your Smartphone’s Camera

Most Popular Photography Tips, Tricks, and Hacks of 2010
It’s really true that the best camera you have is the one you have with you, but if that camera’s your smartphone you may find yourself wishing you had your DSLR instead. If you’re stuck with your phone, or just prefer to avoid the heavy lifting involved with larger cameras, these tips and tricks will help you get the most out of the little camera built into your phone.

Get the Most from Your Point-and-Shoot Camera

Most Popular Photography Tips, Tricks, and Hacks of 2010
For those of you who prefer the compromise between a smartphone and a DSLR, we’ve got tips for you too. This advice, geared for your point-and-shoot camera, will get you better acquainted with you camera, help you better frame your subjects, and ditch the flash whenever possible.

Enhance Your Camera and Photos This Weekend

Most Popular Photography Tips, Tricks, and Hacks of 2010
If you’re looking to do more with your camera and don’t want to limit yourself to just the best of 2010, check out our weekend roundup of ways to enhance your camera and photos.

Get Great Images from a Not-So-Great Camera

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Your greatest asset in any photo is beautiful lighting. Here’s a look at why, and how you can get fantastic photos with perfect light and a camera as lowly as the one built in to a previous generation iPhone.

Through the Viewfinder Method Makes Your Digital Pics Look Analog

Most Popular Photography Tips, Tricks, and Hacks of 2010
If you like the analog look that people are getting with fun apps like Instagram, you can get that through-the-viewfinder border effect with as little as a cardboard tube.

Choose the Right Lens for Your First DSLR

Most Popular Photography Tips, Tricks, and Hacks of 2010
When you enter the world of DSLR photography, it can be hard to make sense of the numerous lenses available to you. They all provide wonderful photographic options, but certain lenses are particularly great for when you’re just starting out.

How to Take Wireless Photos with Your DSLR and iOS Device

Your iOS device is wonderfully versatile when it comes to photography, going beyond just a camera and turning into both a wireless camera remote and photo receiver when paired with your DSLR.

How to Record Great Video with Your HD DSLR Camera

Most Popular Photography Tips, Tricks, and Hacks of 2010
HD video brought new life to DSLRs over the past few years, but that didn’t come without its challenges. Video is a tough beast to conquer, but we’ve got you covered with a comprehensive guide that’ll make you an excellent videographer in no time.

Unshake Makes Blurry Photos Passable

Most Popular Photography Tips, Tricks, and Hacks of 2010
Nothing’s worse than snapping an incredible photo in the moment and finding out all you got was a blurry mess. Unshake is a tool that’ll help you get back that incredible image you thought you had with hardly any work at all.

How to Create Your Own Photosynths

Digital cameras make it easy to snap tons and tons of photos of any place you go, and Microsoft’s got a fun and free too to make use of them all. PhotoSynth is a Windows app that stitches your photos together into a traversable 3D space.

And there you have our most popular photography tips, tricks, and hacks for 2010, but we’ve posted plenty more. If there are others that you really love but didn’t quite make the cut, share ’em in the comments. And if you want more photography goodness, you dial your time machine back to 2009.Send an email to Adam Dachis, the author of this post, at

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