stunning planet photography

îlet Pinel (3)

Planet (Stereographic Projections) Photography is simply crazy and fun! The technique is not only all about skilful digital manipulations, there are a few really good programs that can help you out there, but the raw photography side is very technical. The use of wide angle lenses help to overcome the need for multiple photographs to get the entire scene, but then there is the mapping of your photographs to ensure that you capture all of the surroundings and not to later find a gap in your equirectangular panorama. However, you can avoid the stitching altogether by making do with a single photo and stretch it around in a circle!

Paris s'éveille

Parc départemental du Val-de-Marne

Octopussy planet

Parc de Passy

Notre-Dame de Paris

La Géode

Arc de Triomphe (5)

Butte aux canons

Eiffel planet


Le kiosque des Noctambules

Bigger landing...

Space gate in some place

Place de la république, Lille

Facing Chinagora


The human chessboard

Green Eiffel (400th Wee Planet)


Montmartre s'éveille


Missing the Light of Day (279/365)


Palm tree

Avenue Cousin de Méricourt

Statue of liberty

Sacré coeur

Saint-Étienne du Mont

Place de l'Institut

Musée du Louvre

Salt Pan Stereographic Panorama

Collignon... tête à gnons !

Bike lane

Eiffel Ball

Château d'Auvers

Église Notre Dame de Bordeaux

Kun Iam Statue

Planet LSK

Sunrise Metropolis

Île de la Cité

Arakawa river around the Iwabuchi sluice

Planet H

the calton torus

Goatfell Summit - Spherical Panorama

Beaches: Sphinx Rock Ocean Beach Sorrento Vic Stereographic


Planet New York

Planet Anderson Dock

Beati illi qui in circulum circumeunt,

Steppingstones planet


Maze ball

"Acros Hakata"


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