Monthly Archives: December 2010

(bestdesigntuts)25 Best Collection of Conceptual Photography

25 Best Collection of Conceptual Photography

Posted by Admin on December 14th, 2010

Hello fellow Twitter user! Don’t forget to Tweet this post if you like it, orfollow me on Twitter if you find me interesting.

Well, when we talk about “Conceptual Photography”, it is all about the concept and meaning behind the photographs. It is a kind of photography which is based on a concept or idea in which photographers convey a message,  through their photographs, to the viewer. Usually, photography is meant to capture the significance and essence of a particular moment but conceptual photography take these moments to the extreme level of imagination and creation. It is so amazing that photographers can capture thoughts in their camera and implement their idea in photography.

Conceptual Photography conveys a message and communicate with viewers in a very interesting way. It seems like Conceptual Photograph is telling  something about the meaning behind it. This photography shows extreme creative skills of photographer and perceptive skills of the viewer.

To pick out the meaning from these photographs requires a thoughtful mind and extremely deep perceptions. So, here we have the best collection of conceptual photography and the meaning behind them.

Study By Heart

Universe in hand


Work load

Comfort from Everywhere

Passion for Music

Search Never Ends

Reality Behind Curtain

Face of Hands

Color addict

Passion for dance

Never ending story


Close to God

Alone in this world

Ultimate Efforts


Unconditional support

First lesson

High Aim

Confidence to Fly High

Where to Go

Fly With me

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Compilation of Amazing CG Portraits

Compilation of Amazing CG Portraits

October 18, 2009 – by Tony 35 comments

Since my last post on CG portraits, I have been collecting other realistic portraits for you to view. These portraits never cease to amaze me. All of these works of art are rendered to perfection, giving the illusion that you are actually looking at a real person. In this post you will see some truly amazing CG portraits that have been created by some of the best CG artists out there. Hope you enjoy!

For more on Computer Graphics, check out some of my previous posts:

CG Artwork: Superheroes and Villains

Inspiration: Collection of Some Amazing 3d Robots

Digital Art: 60+ Stunning realistic CG portraits


Ben Kingsley - Jacques DefontaineBen Kingsley by Jacques Defontaine

Cross of iron - Eric ZhangCross of iron – CG Artist: Eric Zhang

Driver 4 Character - Richard WrightDriver 4 Character by Richard Wright

 Aviators Wife - Alessandro BaldasseroniAviators Wife – CG Artist: Alessandro Baldasseroni

 John Locke - LOST, Eduardo Oliden (3D) John Locke – LOST by Eduardo Oliden

 Jennifer, Rami Shtainer (3D) Jennifer Created by Rami Shtainer

Z Carrier Crew - Sebastien LegrainZ Carrier Crew by Sebastien Legrain

Jewel - Adam PotterJewel – CG Artist: Adam Potter

Qingxue ZengCreated by Qingxue Zeng

Jean Luc Picard by Miriam BonettiJean Luc Picard by Miriam Bonetti

Crocodile Tears - Michael OswaldCrocodile Tears – CG Artist: Michael Oswald

Fluid Inspiration, Akira Hanzo (3D) Fluid Inspiration by Akira Hanzo

Flower Messenger, Jack Zhang (3D)Flower Messenger by Jack Zhang

Girl in Hood - Szabolcs MatefyGirl in Hood Created by Szabolcs Matefy

Play Thing - Michael OswaldPlay Thing – CG Artist: Michael Oswald

Suspicious Minds - DorothySuspicious Minds by Dorothy

character : la créature du doc FRANKENSTEINCharacter : La Créature du doc FRANKENSTEIN

The Monster, Rick Baker (3D)The Monster – CG Artist: Rick Baker

Alone at Last - Richard TuricAlone at Last by Richard Turic

Yuki girl by Wxaj0928Yuki girl by Wxaj0928

Hue, Kim Hyong Jun (3D)Hue by Kim Hyong Jun

CG-Portraits-2009-oct-20CG Portrait

Classical Girl by wangshiyongClassical Girl by Wangshiyong

pink assassinPink Assassin

CG-Portraits-2009-oct-23CG Portrait


Beauty Monica, Mihai Anghelescu (3D)Beauty Monica by Mihai Anghelescu

Bernadette, Stephen David Molyneaux (3D)Bernadette – CG Artist:Stephen David Molyneaux

Kathryn, Richard Turic (3D)Kathryn by Richard Turic

Korean Star Actress - Li Vlad GhengheaKorean Star Actress by Li Vlad Ghenghea

hwangjini, hyunsoo moon (3D)Hwangjini Created by Hyunsoo Moon

NefertitiNefertiti by Sven Geruschkat

CG-Portraits-2009-oct-30CG Portrait – Opal Child


Girl, hiroki tsuboi (3D)Girl Created by Hiroki Tsuboi

Old Guy, Kamil Makowski (3D)Old Guy by Kamil Makowski

DragonSky Warrior - Hyung Jun KimDragonSky Warrior – Created by: Hyung Jun Kim

Asian Woman - Richard WrightAsian Woman – Created by: Richard Wright

Song Hye Kyo, Max Edwin Wahyudi (3D)Song Hye Kyo by Max Edwin Wahyudi

Portrait of a woman, Yury Rybakov (3D)Portrait of a Woman Created by Yury Rybakov

Moon Key Girl - Olivier PonsonnetMoon Key Girl by Olivier Ponsonnet

glasses, heon-hwa choe (3D)Glasses by Heon-Hwa Choe

Grace of the snow, Soa Lee (3D)Grace of the Snow Created by Soa Lee

Rose, Anthony Guebels (3D)Rose by Anthony Guebels

Imogene, Tysus Io (3D)Imogene by Tysus Io

CG-Portraits-2009-oct-42Cold Blue


Dancer, Young Jong Cho (3D)Dancer by Young Jong Cho

Night Rider, Hyun Hee Lee (3D)Night Rider Created by Hyun Hee Lee

BINAH, Florian Delarque (3D)BINAH by Florian Delarque

Rinko Kikuchi - Diego RomoRinko Kikuchi – CG Artist: Diego Romo

Koji YamagamiKoji Yamagami Created by Koji Yamagami

Nina - Andrea BertacciniNina by Andrea Bertaccini



Posted in 3dCompilationComputer GraphicsDigital ArtInspiration.


An Inspiring Collection of Expressive Photography #2

An Inspiring Collection of Expressive Photography #2

Posted by Daniel in Photography on December 1st, 2010 with 4 Comments


One of most popular categories on nenuno, has to be Photography where we are building numerous showcases following different styles from bokeh to autumn inspired photography.

Following on from one of our first photography showcases An Inspiring Collection of Expressive Photography sees part two!

What is Expressive Photography?

Expressive photography involves photographs that express a feeling or a mood — photographs that draw the viewer in and make them feel what you felt when you were making the picture. That’s probably the easiest definition of it.When you’re talking about expressive photography you’re referring to photographs that make a person go, “Ooh,” or, “Aah,” and feel what it was like to have been in that scene in that particular moment. –Source

Please enjoy this inspiring collection of expressive photography, let us know which one is your favourite in the comments below:

Please note that clicking on the photo preview below will take you to the full sized version and will also give you the opportunity to visit the photographers full portfolio.

From heaven by Ophelias-Overdose

From heaven by Ophelias-Overdose

Fight by Ophelias-Overdose

Fight by Ophelias-Overdose

ten feet off the ground by suicide-bee

ten feet off the ground by suicide-bee

Darkling delusion by iNeedChemicalX

Darkling delusion by iNeedChemicalX

Housewife by The1stGrape

Housewife by The1stGrape

Ksusha Ts by Daria Zaytseva by mrs-daria

Ksusha Ts by Daria Zaytseva by mrs-daria

november tea by psychiatrique

november tea by psychiatrique

Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Aisii

Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Aisii

Planting the Fields by st3fan3lboby

Planting the Fields by st3fan3lboby

Jayed III by KatherineDavis

Jayed III by KatherineDavis

jen.seits by silent-order

jen.seits by silent-order

Ice Queen by Miss-MischiefX

Ice Queen by Miss-MischiefX

73 – cause you’re mine by SlevinAaron

73 - cause you're mine by SlevinAaron

omg by dantoadityo

omg by dantoadityo

Sweet Surrender by Ford-Photography

Sweet Surrender by Ford-Photography

Cast My Leaves by my-bohemian-spirit

Cast My Leaves by my-bohemian-spirit

I’ll Drown by Gilliann

I'll Drown by Gilliann

Memento Mori II by DarkVenusPersephonae

Memento Mori II by DarkVenusPersephonae

The Hantede Hous 01 by MisCandy08

The Hantede Hous 01 by MisCandy08

Pirates Girl by MarcoRibbe-de

Pirates Girl by MarcoRibbe-de

On a side note, we are looking for some of your contributions! Got something creative to share with the community? Now is the perfect time to get involved! Learn more about Contributing.

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Digital Photography tips for Amateur photographers

Digital Photography for Amateur photographers
Apr 30, 2010 — GoBangalore 

  • 99 reads



Good photography is about recognizing and responding to the subject, not about the computer. That means shooting the right way from the start, no matter what camera you own.

Here are a few tips for amateur photographers to get the best out their camera.

  • Being perfectly still is the first step to making better pictures.
  • Shoot a lot of pictures. Remember, it’s digital, so you can afford to take as many as you like until you get the perfect ones.
  • If it is a point and shoot camera, experiment with taking pictures of a single subject with different setting and compare the pictures. This will give you a fair idea and make you more familiar with your camera.
  • Once you have your subject, visualize your photograph. Create the image in your mind the way a painter would create it on a canvas. And then give it your best shot.
  • Don’t just stand there—sit, squat, lie down. The angle from which you make a photograph can make a dramatic difference.
  • Get close. See what it can do by stepping in closer and placing something in the foreground. What happens to the background? Explore and you will be surprised.
  • Low light will increase digital grain. Use a flash or other added light if grain could be a problem and must be kept to a minimum.
  • Be patient while shooting street scenes as change by the millisecond. Find a spot you like, get comfortable, and wait, watching all the time for the elements to fall together.
  • When shooting landscape, explore the place before your start clicking. Take a look around and know your subjects.
  • Protect your images from hard drive crashes by backing them up outside your computer.
  • If you intend to store a lot of pictures on a computer or a laptop and edit them, invest in an external hard disc, rather than connecting your camera to the computer with a cable

Colby Brown – Capturing the Light – Exploring Patagonia

Wednesday, 15 December 2010 01:00 

Capturing the Light – Exploring Patagonia

Written by  Colby Brown

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Capturing the Light – Exploring Patagonia
When most photographers think of Patagonia, they envision rugged wild landscapes, extreme weather patterns and incredibly beautiful light. After having recently spent 3 weeks traveling throughout the Patagonian region of Southern Chile and Argentina with my wife…I can tell you that those ideas are not far from the truth.

However shooting photography in Patagonia is like shooting in Yosemite National Park in California. Both are incredibly beautiful locations that photographers from all over the world seek to document. As the photography industry itself continues to shift into more of a pro-summer market and more and more people carry around DSLRs, the challenge of capturing unique images in locations like Patagonia is only going to increase. Fortunately or unfortunately for others, Patagonia is not nearly as accessible as Yosemite. Located near the tip of South America, it takes most people at least one or two days of flying alone to get to there and typically that isn’t cheap. You also won’t find roads that take you as close to the highlights of the region like you do with Yosemite Valley, instead forcing people to hike on average of 10km up beautiful but sometimes steep mountain paths. But in the end, people still come and during the summer months (January – February) I can guarantee you that the local towns aren’t hurting for business. In this day and age, all photographers should embrace these new challenges and strive to push the creative boundaries of what they think is possible to capture with a camera in hand.


Like any good professional landscape photographer, I spent months planning this trip. Unlike colleagues of mine that spend the bulk of their time in studios shooting in controlled environments, my locations tend to leave me cold, wet and exhausted…and that is on a good day! Shooting in Patagonia is no different. In fact it is even more challenging then usual because of the completely unpredictable weather. It is not uncommon to experience 100 mph winds, freak snowstorms and pouring rain and that is in the summer (January – February) when the weather is supposed to be calm…er. Bringing the right equipment is paramount especially when you are planning on camping up in the mountains for 3-4 days at a time. Having a good sleeping bag, pad and tent is an obvious must.

Landscape photography, like all genres of photography, is about light. Yes, composition is incredibly important, but when you break things down, photography is about the controlling of light at a given moment in time. It is for this reason that I am so meticulous in my planning and packing. I check weather patterns and average rain fall charts for a given season. I also bring my Garmin GPS unit with me when I shoot so that I can keep up with not only sunrise and sunset times, but also phases of the moon and what time the moon breaks the horizon. I took a wide variety of Cameras and Lenses, which were certainly heavy, but allowed me to be prepared for just about any shot. As I mentioned before, Patagonia is known for its extreme weather and that means dramatic skies. Packing my GND LEE and Hitech filters was a must!


For the majority of our trip we concentrated out time and energy on two main locations, Los Glaciares National Park and Torres del Paine National Park. At a rough size of 6859 sq. km combined, there was certainly plenty room for us to explore during our 20 day adventure.

Los Glaciares National Park

Definitely the less popular of the two, Los Glaciares National Park is located in Southern Argentina and was only established back in 1959. The town of El Calafate is your starting point as that is the closest location with an airport. Located just 80km west of El Calafate is the famous Perito Moreno Glacier. While it is certainly not the largest glacier in the world or even in Argentina…it is probably the most dramatic. Because of its location and a series of walkways that stretch 4km, you have the ability to view the 250 ft face of the glacier from an incredibly close proximity. The Perito Moreno Glacier is also one of the few glaciers that have continued to expand despite global warming. Standing at the closest view point, you can hear the glacier stretch and crack and if you are lucky, catch a huge chunk of ice calve off the face and splash into the water below.


Located 140km North West of El Calafate is the unofficial trekking capital of Patagonia, El Chalten. This beautiful small outpost town is growing substantially every year because of tourism, which is both a positive and negative for the area. With cheap hostels and trails that literally lead you from town to some of the most beautiful locations in the region, it is no wonder that it is growing so fast. This area is home to both Cerro Torre and Mt. Fitz Roy, two of the main jewels of Patagonia. Both are located a mere 10k outside of El Chalten, in different directions, which makes them more accessible the most highlights of the region.


With the weather being as unpredictable as it is in Patagonia, my wife and I ended up camping for at least 3 nights near both Cerro Torre and Mt. Fitz Roy. This gave us the opportunity to have enough patience to wait for both the light and weather to be just right. It both locations, we arrived to a stormy welcoming, but in the end the weather cleared and offered us amazing vistas and beautiful light. I took advantage of the clear skies for at least one night in each location, allowing me to capture the vastness of space over these beautiful landscapes.






Torres del Paine National Park

After spending eight days exploring Argentina’s side of the mountains, we jumped on a bus and made our way to Puerto Natalas, the jumping off point for Torres del Paine National Park. After resupplying and talking to some local guides, we met up with one of my friends, that happened to work at one of the Eco Lodges in the Torres del Paine, and ended up bumming a ride with him to the park the following morning.


While equally as dramatic and beautiful as Los Glaciares, Torres del Paine is not nearly as accessible unless you have rented your own vehicle (which is insanely expensive). The main mode of transportation is bus, which at least to some extent, doesn’t give you full access to all of the parks highlights. Mix that with the fact that things are much more spread out and you could have a very interesting experience as you attempt to explore the park. It is probably for this reason that the two most popular hikes are multi day adventures in the backcountry. Most take the “W” which hikes up all three main valleys or they go for the full circuit, which takes you up and around then entire mountain range in the park. We choose to concentrate on a few locations so that we could again maximize our time with waiting for the light and weather to work in our favor.


We started on the west side of the park and made the hike up to the camp site below Las Torres, which is a series of beautiful towers located 11km up into the mountains. We camped here for one night and caught sunrise on the towers the following morning. Using a mixture of filters and blending in post processing, I was able to bring out the details in the shadows of the photo below.

After staying the following night at my friends Eco Lodge, we jumped on a bus and headed for the ferry terminal that took us across Lago Pehoe. From there we began another 11km hike up to the campsite just short of the Grey Glacier. In the end, we could of done without this side trip. After experiencing the Perito Moreno Glacier, we were not to impressed with the views. We turned back the following morning and enjoyed re-walking the entire 11km path, back onto the ferry and across the lake.



This is were things got interesting. You see, in Torres del Paine National Park, the majority of bus routes, which is the main mode of transportation, flow only one way. So aside from getting us to the Ferry terminal located in the center of the park, there was no way for us to travel South to get to the location where I wanted to shoot the famous Cuernos del Paine Massif, also know as the “Horns”. Eventually we realized this and ended up walking the 4km distance. While the plan was to find the campground located in this area, we ended up opting for a stay at the luxurious “Hotel Pehoe”. While it was a little outside our budget, it offered the best views of the horns in the park. We showered, cleaned up, ate a real meal and then proceeded to shoot photography for the next 14 hours. We were again lucky with the weather and got not only a beautifully dramatic sunset, but clear skies throughout the night and morning for sunrise. My GND filters were in full use along with my six stop ND filter to allow me to slow down my shutter speed enough to give the water on Lago Pehoe a glass like feel. I was like a kid in a candy store and took advantage of every second we were there.



After having such great luck with the weather and being content with the work that we got, we left Torres del Paine after a mere five days.

In the end, both of us fell in love with Patagonia. Between the unpredictable weather, dramatic skies, soft light and unbelievable landscape there isn’t much not to enjoy as a photographer. Needless to say we are already planning our second trip down to the area…although this time we will have to make a stop at Tierra de Fuego and the tip of South America.

© Colby Brown

About the Author

Colby Brown and his wife live with their Dog, Denali, in Denver, Colorado.

You can see more of Colby’s work at his website:

Colby Brown just released his 2011 Wall Calendar that contains work solely from Patagonia. You can preview and purchase it HERE

( 12 Predictions About Photography for 2011

12 Predictions About Photography for 2011

DECEMBER 9, 2010
by scottbourne
Copyright Scott Bourne 2010 – All Rights Reserved

Every year I make a set of predictions. Sometimes I do better than others. My predictions last year mostly came true. Let’s see if I can keep that streak going. Here are my predictions for 2011. (I should mention that I’m making a broader attempt at humor in this new set of predictions. Bonus prediction – I predict that attempt will fail.)

1. Canon and Nikon will each introduce full frame cameras in 2011. I make this prediction every year so sooner or later it has to come true.

2. Micro 4/3 will make standard 4/3 cameras irrelevant – that is if they aren’t already irrelevant.

3. Sony will continue to spend millions marketing to the photography market only to have their terribly inept PR department ruin any possible good will or interest the ads generate.

4. Electronic Viewfinders will dramatically improve in 2011, they will become more affordable and their availability will improve too.

5. Medium format will make a come back of sorts in 2011 with more choices and lower prices.

6. More and more cameras will offer serious in-camera HDR options and in 2011 they will actually matter.

7. Photographers will see more electronic publishing and licensing opportunities as the explosion of blogs, mobile sites, downloadable A/V, electronic readers and Apple’s iPad (and new competitors thereto) continue to push old-fashioned print out of existence.

8. Adobe will shorten it’s Photoshop revision timeline to once a year in 2011 going away from the update every 18 months.

9. The folks who predict Apple will stop supporting or selling Aperture in 2011 will be wrong – just as they were in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010.

10. HDR will gain acceptance to the point where camera club forums pick something completely new and even more silly to argue about.

11. Despite a world-wide economic downturn, the photography industry will have an up year.

12. Scott Kelby will continue to be the best-selling photography author in 2011 – writing an incredible 289 new books a month. 🙂

This post sponsored by X-Rite Color and the ColorChecker Passport

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45 Beautiful and Amazing Examples of Bird Photography

On 12.10.10, In PhotographyShowcases, by Bruno Ricardo

45 Beautiful and Amazing Examples of Bird Photography

After we launched the post 25 Awesome Examples of Bird Photography, we decided to make another post about birds, as 25 photos were really too little to demonstrate the amount of fantastic photos out there.

After we launched the post 20+ Awesome Examples of Bird Photography, we decided to make another post about birds, as 25 photos were really too little to demonstrate the amount of fantastic photos out there. As such we have combined another group of 45 photos which will hopefully blow your mind away.

Parus caeruleus by papkin11

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His Majesty by StripedWolf95

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Mishri and Masala by treesofmachinery

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Aggression by BogdanBoev

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Love Birds by DancingCavy

Awesome Examples of Bird Photography

Lipstick 3 by PURErube

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Baldie. by quaddie

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Juvenile Red-tailed Hawk by hey-man-nice-shot

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Give me a hug by BogdanBoev

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vulture by notcontrolfreaky

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she’s got the look by nakitez

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Owls talk by Lilia73

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Awesome Examples of Bird Photography

Bald Eagle Portrait by nitsch

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Pelican by photodream

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Peacock by proac150

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MaMaMa by hoboinaschoolbus

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Heron’s Morning Catch by ghopper99

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Hey, baby by padika11

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Tufted Puffin Portrait by tisbone

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Snow Owl by Gertcars

Awesome Examples of Bird Photography

Respire by Dickie67

Awesome Examples of Bird Photography

Fratercula arctica by Yazhubal

Awesome Examples of Bird Photography

His Majesty by mescamesh

Awesome Examples of Bird Photography

Haliaeetus albicilla II by Henrik Just

Awesome Examples of Bird Photography

Milvus milvus II by Henrik Just

Awesome Examples of Bird Photography

Aquila chrysaetos II by Henrik Just

Awesome Examples of Bird Photography

“Measurement of the horses” – which is greater by Evgeni Stefanov

Awesome Examples of Bird Photography

Overgrown Hen 2 by SeaWhisper

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emerald in the morning light by petertwang

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Intense eyes by Javier Martínez

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Rudolph the Rednose Robin by thrumyeye

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Ulula by Francesco Renzi

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Francesco Renzi

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Manipulated Photography By Peter Holme III

in CREATIVE by Tajuddin — December 14, 2010 at 16:13 


Photo manipulation is the application of image editing techniques to photographs in order to create an illusion or deception through analog or digital means.  The photographer Peter Holme has done a wonderful work in manipulation of his photographs.  He has lots of collections in his portfolio, where you can find out his amazing works.  Follow this link to check out his complete collection at Redbubble.

Manipulated Photography By Peterolme III 1

Manipulated Photography By Peterolme III 2

Manipulated Photography By Peterolme III 3

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Manipulated Photography By Peterolme III 13

Manipulated Photography By Peterolme III 14

Manipulated Photography By Peterolme III 15

Manipulated Photography By Peterolme III 16

Manipulated Photography By Peterolme III 17

Manipulated Photography By Peterolme III 18

Manipulated Photography By Peterolme III 19

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Manipulated Photography By Peterolme III 35 660x492 Manipulated Photography By Peter Holme III

Author : Peter Holme

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40 Victor Photography Art of Christmas 2011

licky Inspiration ADD COMMENTS December – 16 – 2010Share/Bookmark

Christmas card photos are a great way to make your Christmas greetings personal. It allows each family to represent their personalities and involves the whole family in the process of creating the card. For many families this has turned into a competition of sorts, with the goal being to have the “best” photo card of the season within their circle of friends. These Christmas photography tips are sure to make your Christmas photo card the best it can be this year.

This is 40 images victor of Christmas type of this photo such as Christmas digital art, Photography, Christmas gifts, Christmas Card , Fan Art in Traditional Art, Christmas in Photography, Christmas in Cartoons & Comics, Digital Art, Paintings & Airbrushing, Christmas tree in Photography, Christmas Art Drawings photo.. etc.

You may also like my previous post 50 Digital Art Paintings Airbrushing Fantasy as well.

1. christmas by ~Abakum

2. Merry Christmas 2 by =shel-yang

3. Christmas Kids by *ToonTwins

4. Merry Christmas by =shel-yang

5. And this Christmas will be…. by *nippy13

6. Christmas by *Suryakami

7. Christmas Tree by ~DreAminginDigITal

8. A Purrfect Christmas by *phatpuppy

9. Enjoying Christmas by ~caithness155

10. Naruto: Christmas by *Risachantag

11. Christmas Hippo by *RobbVision

12. Sweet Christmas by `mnoo

13. Christmas candle by ~legate01

14. Christmas spirits by ~arventur

15. it’s Christmas by ~MalvaAlcea

16. BLEACH – Merry Christmas 2007 by ~yanimator

17. Merry Christmas by ~0o-silvertea-o0

18. Christmas Town by *Evil-Uke-Sora

19. Christmas by ~elgunto

20. Christmas tree by =armene

21. Merry Christmas by ~dimant

22. Christmas without santa by ~Crazy-megame

23. Making Christmas I by ~caithness155

24. KH2: Merry Christmas by *Risachantag

25. Merry Christmas by *burdge-bug

26. Christmas Kiwi by *dolphy

27. Zelda’s Christmas by `SigurdHosenfeld

28. Christmas Rat by ~CuteLittleTheatreKid

29. Ariel’s Christmas by *AgiVega

30. A Christmas Coral by `priteeboy

31.Christmas time by =frzdragon

31. It’s Christmas Time by ~InfinitoWD

32. Sweet Christmas by *chatgr

33. Christmas Mascots by *BehindtG

34. Christmas Lady by *chatgr

35. NaruHina Christmas by *Pia-sama

36. Merry Christmas by *osy057

37. The Christmas Ride by =Tammara

38. Misty’s Christmas Pudding by ~CarinaT

39. Merry Christmas by *orpheelin

40. Christmas 2006 by ~muhoho-seijin

From Dusk to Dawn – Sun Photography

oliver13 on 12 14 10

Long before the birth of Nicolaus Copernicus with his revolutionary scientific idea of heliocentrism, people believed that the Sun was a supreme god (named Ra in ancient Egypt or Helios – in Roman Empire). According to ancient beliefs, this god wakes up every morning and starts moving across the sky in his golden chariot, bestowing all the people on Earth with the blessed light. Though these legends have nothing to do with the real state of affairs, they are, actually, much more valuable, interesting, and creative from the point of view of art.

Sunset in Thailand by laurentlesax

Now & Forever by Bruno Abreu

Horizon in Mind by Craig Hunter Parker

Sunrise to Sunset by Pedro Afonso

More sun photos!

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